Children are future leaders of our generation so giving them quality education is helping establish a strong and brighter foundation for tomorrow.
Education and for that matter quality education is necessary because it shape the child's God giving talent and purpose on earth.
Investing into the lives of children today is a future harvest of peace, growth and development on the continent.
Children are blessing to us. Even though, the politicians may forget them, God hasn’t forget them and so he is using us to bless them in diverse way.
This project is actually focusing on providing school uniforms, exercise books, pen, pencils, foot wears and other logistics for the children in the rural areas whose parent cannot afford.
We will be motivating hard working teachers in the rural areas, who willingly accepted posting in remote areas and doing well for the children.
All these project are starting this year in Ghana and will be extended to other Africa countries so please we need your support for this great work on our continent.