Promoting Talent
I was once told that the reason babies are born with their little hands tightly clenched is so they don't drop their gifts to the world. Everyone born under this sun was blessed with a gift to dazzle the world. Whether abled or disabled, every......
The Destiny Summit 2017: Eye Witness Account!
Napoleon Bonaparte conquered the world in his own way and many were those who lodged their loyalty with him. His reign that the glory that came with it has been nicely rolled back into the tombs of history. He lived and died for vainglory. The tim......
Donation By Saf-Ghana To Kinder Paradise Orphanage Home In Prampram-Greater Accra
There is a star in the heart of everyone and the fact that stars shine at night is because the hearts of those who love each other shines. It is in this vein that, SAF--GHANA as part of its philosophical underpinning of making Africa a better plac......
Donation By Saf-Kenya To Amazing Grace International Children Home In Nairobi, Kenya
Let's get real and face the moral pantheon of reality that hits us every day. Each day 22000 children die due to poverty according to UNICEF. Right from our homes to offices, there is always that boy on the street without anyone to call a fath......